Las motivaciones para renunciar a un trabajo son diversas, a veces, multifactoriales, pero lo importante es que siempre sean claras. Gracias a esto, obtendras un marco solido para tomar decisiones, lo que te permitira transitar mejor este cambio y gestionarlo de manera profesional.
Comprender a fondo las razones detras de esta resolucion no solo favorece la comunicacion con tu empleador, sino que tambien ayuda a establecer expectativas concretas y a articularlas de manera efectiva.
?Has tenido motivos especificos al momento de renunciar? Es probable que esas razones te permitieran asumir tu decision de dejar un trabajo con empatia y respeto hacia tu empresa y colegas. Por eso, para ayudarte en este proceso, te contamos cuales son las causas mas frecuentes de renuncia, de que manera pueden reconocerse y como puedes comunicarlas a los demas.
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15 motivos de renuncia laboral frecuentes
Mejor oportunidad de carrera
Falta de desarrollo profesional
Problemas de conciliacion trabajo-vida personal
Descontento con el ambiente laboral
Conflictos con colegas o jefes
Aspectos de inseguridad laboral
Percepcion de una falta de reconocimiento
Cambio de residencia
Desafios de salud
Falta de flexibilidad laboral
Cambios en la direccion o estrategia empresarial
Insatisfaccion salarial
Deseo de emprender
Cambio de industria o campo profesional
Descontento con las politicas de la empresa
1. Mejor oportunidad de carrera
Esta es una de las motivaciones mas comunes. Cuando un trabajador se encuentra recibe una mejor oferta, por lo regular, suele dejar su empleo actual para tomar esa nueva oportunidad. Este ofrecimiento puede ser mas atractivo en terminos de salario, beneficios o crecimiento profesional.
En tu carta de renuncia laboral, por ejemplo, es importante que agradezcas las oportunidades y experiencias que te ofrecio tu compania actual y explicarles como esta nueva propuesta se alinea mejor con tus metas profesionales a largo plazo.
No te preocupes, la ambicion de un trabajador que busca progresar y alcanzar metas cada vez mas complejas, en terminos de responsabilidades y logros, es natural.
2. Falta de desarrollo profesional
Existe un amplio espectro de empresas, por lo tanto, una gran diversidad de culturas organizacionales. Muchas companias no ofrecen un esquema de desarrollo profesional o bien el empleado tiene la percepcion de que no cuenta con esas oportunidades de crecimiento en su empresa actual. ?El resultado? Una renuncia laboral.
Es fundamental que siempre comuniques tus deseos de progreso a tu jefe antes de tomar cualquier decision porque tal vez podrias obtener una solucion si ambos lo platican y llegan a acuerdos.
Por lo general, los trabajadores que anhelan desafios laborales significativos y la adquisicion de nuevas habilidades son aquellos que podrian renunciar por esta razon.
3. Problemas de conciliacion trabajo-vida personal
En el mundo laboral estresante de hoy, este motivo se ha perfilado como uno de los mas comunes para que una persona deje un trabajo. Si un empleado tiene dificultad para equilibrar las demandas laborales con su vida personal, es muy probable que deje su organizacion.
Si es tu caso, es importante que expliques como la carga de trabajo afecta tu calidad de vida, pero busca soluciones antes de renunciar, si es posible.
En la actualidad, las organizaciones reconocen la importancia de la salud mental y emocional de los trabajadores, por lo tanto, ya es comun que busquen crear entornos laborales sanos.
4. Descontento con el ambiente laboral
Cuando el ambiente de trabajo es malo o negativo, muchos empleados prefieren cambiar de empresa, pues esa cultura laboral no es compatible con sus valores o preferencias.
Esta razon se debe evaluar y clarificar porque existen muchos factores que pueden propiciar una sensacion de malestar dentro de una organizacion, asi como presentarse en distintas intensidades.
Al momento de renunciar, es importante que proporciones comentarios constructivos sobre la cultura laboral sin entrar en detalles negativos, pero al mismo tiempo, explicar en que sentido la convivencia no funcionaba: puede ser que habia relaciones entre companeros o con los jefes, factores psicosociales y del entorno fisico de trabajo hasta delitos como el acoso.
Ten en cuenta que los trabajadores valoran mucho mas un entorno laboral positivo que promueva la motivacion y el bienestar en todos los sentidos.
5. Conflictos con colegas o jefes
5. Conflicts with bosses or colleagues
This is due to interpersonal issues that adversely influence the overall experience at work in an organization.
People seek out workplaces in which they can use their interpersonal skills, and where conflict can be resolved in a constructive manner.
Think about it this way: regardless of how many issues you face, it is crucial to work out them professionally even if the last option is to cut off an existing relationship.
6. Certain aspects of job insecurity
The workers’ perspective regarding the potential problems the company might face on the structural or financial or structural level, generally, causes uncertainty regarding their safety inside or outside the business.
For employees, stability at work and being able to feel secure at all times while performing their duties and responsibilities at work is vital.
7. The perception of a absence of recognition
Most companies don’t notice this issue until they have received the resignation of employees. If a worker does not feel valued, believes that his work isn’t valued or that his work doesn’t add value to the team, his sector or even the company, they will search for a new job in which his contribution is more recognized.
For instance the those in the millennial and centennial age groups, recognition is extremely important, which is why they are drawn to environments that allow them to feel like they are a vital part of the company.
8. Change of residence
This is not a problem with the workplace or the workplace however, it is based on the personal experiences of every employee. Particularly, it could be difficult for them to stay at their current position because they’re moving to another city or even a different country.
If you are in this situation then you should give a prior an advance notice, and also demonstrate that you are willing to assist in the smooth transition. If you are in this situation you may find an option to establish a subsidiary that is closer to your new location or the possibility of remote working.
9. Health challenges
This can also be an individual reason to the individual. If an employee is suffering from medical issues that hinder their ability to do the job they are currently doing their health is a top priority which is why it’s normal to let them go in the event of an issue that affects their personal health.
10. Work flexibility is not flexible
The rigors of the business environment could cause businesses to be inflexible in a variety of areas, including workload or work schedules. This can lead to the departure of an employee or more.
If employees can explain their flexibility requirements, they might come to different arrangements prior to making an ultimate decision. Be aware that flexibility can boost the efficiency of employees and increases their satisfaction with work.
11. Modifications to the direction of business or the strategy
Companies are always changing or developing. Sometimes, these shifts to the directions of a company or business’s strategies could not be compatible with the employees plan. In this case, if there’s an issue with this new strategy, then a resignation could be triggered.
Always make sure to voice your concerns in a constructive manner and be aware of the business’s mission before making changes to organisations. In today’s world, the ability to adapt to change is vital, but it is also essential to maintain a balance between your personal beliefs and strategic goals of the company.
12. Unsatisfaction with salary
This is among the most common reasons people quit their jobs, since they feel that their pay isn’t a reflection of their work and doesn’t match the needs of the market.
Therefore, employers should not underestimate the frustration of their employees with regards to their pay, the absence of increments, and the absence of benefits like incentives or benefits emotionally and financially.
13. Desire for entrepreneurship
If a worker wants to explore new possibilities, however, not within a firm however, in a business, he’ll be leaving the current position. The desire to create an enterprise or venture on his own is a legitimate motivation that needs the knowledge of his employer.
This characteristic usually affects who have an entrepreneurial outlook who are looking for opportunities to use and grow their talents in other areas even though they are required to make a decision and confront the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur.
14. Professional or industry field
It’s also possible that employees are interested in looking into a new field or profession, and they don’t are looking to remain within their current workplace.
While this is not a frequent cause, it’s vital to take into consideration because it is related to the ability of your workforce to learn about various areas.
15. Unhappy with the company’s policies
This is especially true in the early stages of an work relationship.